Usage Statistics for opal

Summary Period: February 2023
Generated 05-Mar-2023 00:00 +07
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Users] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2023
Total Hits 20230
Total Files 19571
Total Pages 19710
Total Visits 368
Total Volume 264.07 MB
Total Vol. In 0 bytes
Total Vol. Out 0 bytes
Total Unique Sites 248
Total Unique URLs 228
Total Unique Usernames 1
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 280 467
Hits per Day 6743 7311
Files per Day 6523 7059
Pages per Day 6570 7153
Sites per Day 82 150
Visits per Day 122 188
Volume per Day 88.02 MB 110.09 MB
Vol. In per Day 0 bytes 0 bytes
Vol. Out per Day 0 bytes 0 bytes
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 96.74% 19571
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 4
Code 302 - Found 0.05% 10
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.03% 7
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.16% 32
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.02% 5
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 2.82% 571
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.14% 28
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 1

Hits by Response Code February 2023

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for February 2023 (Top 20 of 222 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 274 47.99% /boaform/admin/formLogin
2 13 2.28% /.env
3 9 1.58% /config/getuser
4 8 1.40% /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
5 8 1.40% /webalizer/error_202009.htmlvendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
6 7 1.23% /webalizer/error_202009.htmlvendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/phinfo.php
7 4 0.70% /webalizer//vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
8 4 0.70% /ampache
9 4 0.70% /nulog/
10 4 0.70% /webalizer/.env
11 3 0.53%
12 3 0.53% /cgi-bin/downloadFlile.cgi
13 3 0.53% /cgi-bin/admin_console.cgi
14 2 0.35% /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Log/log.php
15 2 0.35% /webalizer//vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Log/log.php
16 2 0.35% /webalizer//.env
17 2 0.35% /krcstat-1.0.0.tar.bz2
18 2 0.35% /kmtail-2.0.tar.bz2
19 2 0.35% /
20 2 0.35% /
View All URLs

Daily usage for February 2023

Daily Statistics for February 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume Vol. In Vol. Out
26 6523 32.24% 6164 31.50% 6235 31.63% 146 39.67% 131 52.82% 110.09 MB 41.69% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
27 7311 36.14% 7059 36.07% 7153 36.29% 188 51.09% 150 60.48% 99.60 MB 37.72% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
28 6396 31.62% 6348 32.44% 6322 32.08% 42 11.41% 27 10.89% 54.38 MB 20.59% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%

Hourly usage for February 2023

Hourly Statistics for February 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume Vol. In Vol. Out
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 195 587 2.90% 190 571 2.92% 193 579 2.94% 1.93 MB 5.78 MB 2.19% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
1 213 640 3.16% 203 610 3.12% 209 628 3.19% 2.10 MB 6.31 MB 2.39% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
2 198 596 2.95% 195 587 3.00% 195 587 2.98% 2.30 MB 6.91 MB 2.62% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
3 283 849 4.20% 277 831 4.25% 278 835 4.24% 4.21 MB 12.63 MB 4.78% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
4 299 897 4.43% 281 845 4.32% 286 860 4.36% 4.37 MB 13.11 MB 4.96% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
5 287 861 4.26% 282 846 4.32% 285 855 4.34% 4.52 MB 13.56 MB 5.13% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
6 313 939 4.64% 296 889 4.54% 303 911 4.62% 4.41 MB 13.24 MB 5.01% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
7 293 879 4.35% 287 862 4.40% 289 868 4.40% 4.48 MB 13.45 MB 5.09% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
8 304 914 4.52% 299 897 4.58% 297 891 4.52% 4.80 MB 14.40 MB 5.45% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
9 295 885 4.37% 287 861 4.40% 289 867 4.40% 4.62 MB 13.85 MB 5.24% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
10 286 859 4.25% 281 844 4.31% 282 848 4.30% 4.15 MB 12.45 MB 4.72% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
11 289 868 4.29% 285 857 4.38% 287 861 4.37% 4.62 MB 13.86 MB 5.25% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
12 287 863 4.27% 284 853 4.36% 287 861 4.37% 4.38 MB 13.13 MB 4.97% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
13 284 852 4.21% 279 839 4.29% 281 844 4.28% 3.87 MB 11.61 MB 4.40% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
14 286 858 4.24% 276 829 4.24% 282 846 4.29% 3.33 MB 9.99 MB 3.78% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
15 274 823 4.07% 271 813 4.15% 271 815 4.13% 3.13 MB 9.39 MB 3.56% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
16 284 854 4.22% 275 826 4.22% 278 836 4.24% 3.28 MB 9.84 MB 3.73% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
17 279 839 4.15% 273 820 4.19% 274 823 4.18% 3.30 MB 9.90 MB 3.75% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
18 280 842 4.16% 275 826 4.22% 275 825 4.19% 3.33 MB 10.00 MB 3.79% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
19 283 851 4.21% 277 832 4.25% 276 828 4.20% 3.27 MB 9.81 MB 3.71% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
20 281 844 4.17% 271 814 4.16% 275 826 4.19% 3.27 MB 9.81 MB 3.71% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
21 287 863 4.27% 280 841 4.30% 284 852 4.32% 3.31 MB 9.93 MB 3.76% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
22 307 922 4.56% 299 899 4.59% 291 874 4.43% 3.56 MB 10.67 MB 4.04% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%
23 348 1045 5.17% 293 879 4.49% 296 890 4.52% 3.48 MB 10.44 MB 3.95% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0 bytes 0.00%

Top 30 of 228 Total URLs
# Hits Volume Vol. In Vol. Out URL
1 16555 81.83% 148.47 MB 56.22% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi
2 930 4.60% 105.93 MB 40.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /webalizer/usage_202302.html
3 827 4.09% 263.28 KB 0.10% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nm.html
4 774 3.83% 2.98 MB 1.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /
5 133 0.66% 1.56 MB 0.59% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /webalizer/
6 59 0.29% 1.29 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /robots.txt
7 13 0.06% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /home/robin/downloads/train-04022023.pdf
8 12 0.06% 47.88 KB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /favicon.ico
9 8 0.04% 48.91 KB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/
10 7 0.03% 18.93 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /apachemap.html
11 5 0.02% 10.40 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /cgi-bin/multimon.cgi
12 5 0.02% 14.69 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpsyslogng/html/login.php
13 5 0.02% 12.58 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /pictures/
14 4 0.02% 356.12 KB 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/js/get_scripts.js.php
15 3 0.01% 233.96 KB 0.09% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /hebe-0.4.tar.bz2
16 3 0.01% 141.88 KB 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /kall-2.1.tar.bz2
17 3 0.01% 151.03 KB 0.06% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /kps-0.9.7.tar.bz2
18 2 0.01% 9.32 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpldapadmin/htdocs/
19 2 0.01% 12.22 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/doc/html/vendors.html
20 2 0.01% 2.43 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /pictures/Places/Asia/India/
21 2 0.01% 7.45 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /pictures/Places/Asia/Thailand/
22 1 0.00% 40.58 KB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /kall-0.8.tar.bz2
23 1 0.00% 21.12 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /kps-0.9.2.tar.bz2
24 1 0.00% 370 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /krcstat-0.6.ebuild
25 1 0.00% 1.02 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/
26 1 0.00% 12.77 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/cgi-bin/tac.cgi
27 1 0.00% 822 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/images/favicon.ico
28 1 0.00% 94.89 KB 0.04% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/js/jquery-1.12.4.min.js
29 1 0.00% 1.46 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/js/menu.js
30 1 0.00% 42.69 KB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/js/mootools.js

Top 10 of 228 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume Vol. In Vol. Out URL
1 16555 81.83% 148.47 MB 56.22% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi
2 930 4.60% 105.93 MB 40.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /webalizer/usage_202302.html
3 774 3.83% 2.98 MB 1.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /
4 133 0.66% 1.56 MB 0.59% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /webalizer/
5 1 0.00% 365.68 KB 0.14% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
6 4 0.02% 356.12 KB 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/js/get_scripts.js.php
7 1 0.00% 329.91 KB 0.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/doc/html/config.html
8 827 4.09% 263.28 KB 0.10% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /nm.html
9 3 0.01% 233.96 KB 0.09% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /hebe-0.4.tar.bz2
10 1 0.00% 200.60 KB 0.07% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% /phpmyadmin/doc/html/faq.html

Top 10 of 37 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 774 3.83% 151 67.41% /
2 133 0.66% 32 14.29% /webalizer/
3 7 0.03% 3 1.34% /apachemap.html
4 5 0.02% 2 0.89% /cgi-bin/multimon.cgi
5 8 0.04% 2 0.89% /phpmyadmin/
6 5 0.02% 2 0.89% /pictures/
7 2 0.01% 2 0.89% /pictures/Places/Asia/India/
8 16555 81.83% 1 0.45% /nagios/cgi-bin/status.cgi
9 1 0.00% 1 0.45% /phpmyadmin/doc/html/bookmarks.html
10 2 0.01% 1 0.45% /phpmyadmin/doc/html/vendors.html

Top 10 of 36 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 774 3.83% 138 64.79% /
2 133 0.66% 32 15.02% /webalizer/
3 7 0.03% 4 1.88% /apachemap.html
4 5 0.02% 4 1.88% /cgi-bin/multimon.cgi
5 8 0.04% 4 1.88% /phpmyadmin/
6 1 0.00% 1 0.47% /phpmyadmin/js/codemirror/addon/
7 1 0.00% 1 0.47% /phpmyadmin/js/openlayers/src/openlayers/lib/Firebug/
8 1 0.00% 1 0.47% /phpmyadmin/js/openlayers/theme/
9 1 0.00% 1 0.47% /phpmyadmin/libraries/navigation/
10 1 0.00% 1 0.47% /phpmyadmin/locale/es/

Top 30 of 248 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Visits Hostname
1 17413 86.08% 17412 88.97% 148.92 MB 56.40% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
2 930 4.60% 930 4.75% 105.93 MB 40.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
3 413 2.04% 413 2.11% 1.61 MB 0.61% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
4 182 0.90% 23 0.12% 136.18 KB 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 7 1.90%
5 145 0.72% 144 0.74% 575.29 KB 0.21% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
6 145 0.72% 0 0.00% 37.70 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 0.00%
7 98 0.48% 98 0.50% 1.15 MB 0.44% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 18 4.89%
8 72 0.36% 72 0.37% 807.25 KB 0.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 9 2.45%
9 46 0.23% 46 0.24% 1.43 MB 0.54% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
10 42 0.21% 22 0.11% 425.27 KB 0.16% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.54%
11 39 0.19% 13 0.07% 8.11 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 13 3.53%
12 34 0.17% 0 0.00% 9.48 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 33 8.97%
13 26 0.13% 8 0.04% 37.04 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.82%
14 26 0.13% 0 0.00% 8.38 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 0.00%
15 24 0.12% 24 0.12% 289.10 KB 0.11% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
16 20 0.10% 3 0.02% 16.75 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
17 16 0.08% 0 0.00% 4.74 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 0.00%
18 15 0.07% 15 0.08% 59.90 KB 0.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 15 4.08%
19 14 0.07% 3 0.02% 14.98 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
20 10 0.05% 5 0.03% 21.36 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
21 10 0.05% 5 0.03% 21.36 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
22 10 0.05% 5 0.03% 21.36 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
23 10 0.05% 7 0.04% 18.66 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
24 10 0.05% 10 0.05% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 1.09% ::1
25 9 0.04% 0 0.00% 2.43 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 9 2.45%
26 9 0.04% 5 0.03% 21.08 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 6 1.63%
27 9 0.04% 3 0.02% 13.66 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 3 0.82%
28 8 0.04% 4 0.02% 17.09 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
29 8 0.04% 4 0.02% 17.09 KB 0.01% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 1.09%
30 7 0.03% 3 0.02% 13.10 KB 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 4 1.09%

Top 10 of 248 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Visits Hostname
1 17413 86.08% 17412 88.97% 148.92 MB 56.40% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
2 930 4.60% 930 4.75% 105.93 MB 40.12% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
3 413 2.04% 413 2.11% 1.61 MB 0.61% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
4 46 0.23% 46 0.24% 1.43 MB 0.54% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
5 98 0.48% 98 0.50% 1.15 MB 0.44% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 18 4.89%
6 72 0.36% 72 0.37% 807.25 KB 0.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 9 2.45%
7 145 0.72% 144 0.74% 575.29 KB 0.21% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%
8 42 0.21% 22 0.11% 425.27 KB 0.16% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.54%
9 24 0.12% 24 0.12% 289.10 KB 0.11% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 5 1.36%
10 5 0.02% 5 0.03% 167.13 KB 0.06% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Visits Username
1 16585 81.98% 16585 84.74% 148.66 MB 56.30% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.27% admin

Usage by Country for February 2023

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Vol. In Vol. Out Country
1 20230 100.00% 19571 100.00% 264.07 MB 100.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Search] [Users] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08